Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The night robs me of my balance;
I look for the walls to scale,
Stepping on softness once
And then on moving, flesh, skin and bones,
Beyond the fine line of tolerance.
I hear a grunt out of the dark,
Curses, half-muttered in slumber,
Mistaking my identity for someone else.
The door behind me doesn't shut gently,
But swung with a bang loud enough for half the world to share.
Next thing I hear is the collective
Angry mob of complaints.
I go back to sleep, brooding
Like I never did in daylight.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


She glided, she burst and he lost his perspective. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, there she was, still. The air was rife with dust and vehicular combustion; he panicked, watching smoke and sunlight muddy her image at the distance. His eyes then fought for clearness, but they were slow to catch on; and when they did find the pursued, it wasn’t quite the one, the same. Through wiped lenses was revealed a mockery of a dream. The face was all that was not, the look begging to love her adversary, her incompleteness. Then he turned away, away from the avenue down which he had been a hundred times before. The scene spiraled further away from his back, leaving only a faint recollection of its form.