Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The 7 Day Itch

Disclaimer: I don't own SD boys, Inoue does. the events that follow are not included in the original plot but enjoy anyway.

Summary: Rukawa's not satisfied; Mitsui's just not giving it right. What's it about them that needs a little tuning? Is 7 days worth enduring? Find out. One shot. Rated.
Warning: F word all over. Lotsa dirty, lewd talk; in fact this is all about filth talk so kids can back off.
A/N: Title's inspired by Marilyn Monroe's hit film.

Sweat of indignation drips freely from his steaming, porous skin; teeth grinding ferociously and brows furrowing in zenith fury. He rushes out of his classroom in maximum acceleration until barging in the stair set. He slackens his pace, breathing more calmly at each stair step as he ascends one more flight. An excruciating beat drums from his nape down to the soles of his feet; he begins to tremble all over. He pauses for another second upon entering the 3rd floor corridor, reluctantly reverting his thought on the crumpled piece of paper in his obdurately clenched fist. His temperament smoulders truculently at the recollections of the lines blotted on that dreadful note. Those words, soaring out to pierce him and to subvert him ultimately; he won't take it, none of it. There's his room; 302 it says, and as the distance between him and that room retrenches, he feels all the more prone to another savage attack of high blood pressure. He gives a good hard effort to obliterate the dissolute looking face he's been wearing all morning but it only troughs him not to unleash the outbursts of his anger. He canters further forward the room, increasing both agility and courage to face the guileless culprit who's been causing his distress lately. He knocks at his classroom door, almost assaulting the durable plywood with the destructive banging of his stalwart knuckles.

A formidable looking educator flings the portal open.

'You need something, Mr.?'

'Your student.' Mitsui answers.

'Which one?'


Rukawa wades through the professor and faces Mitsui as if to survey him. The professor shuts the door behind him to leave the arguing lovers.

'What the fuck d'you mean by a cool off?' Mitsui chides in almost immediately. He scoops up the letter to Rukawa. All plush wrath.

'Forget about it.'

'You're just repeating what's on that goddamn letter. Any other say?' Mitsui says, punctuating the dull silence following Rukawa's reply.

'7 days of break up, that's all.'

'What, Rukawa?' A terrified disbelief is pencilled on the senior's face.

'Just for 7 days, sempai.'

'What's the point?' Mitsui throws a look of questioning irritation. There's no way he's taking it kindly.

'I need a break.'

'You're such a sloth. Snap the fuck out it.' Mitsui releases a smelting hiss as he rolls his sapphire blue pupils in a conic motion.

'I'm getting bored, sempai.’

'Talk to yourself; I'm having fun.' Mitsui declares a matter-of-factly, reclaiming a portion of his self-possession.

'You're hampering me.'

'Quit repining, Rukawa; you're being a sassy bitch to me.' Mitsui gives deadly snarl. Hot blood on the boil.

'It's my right to complain,'

'You've got no grounds for it; I'm screwing you just right every night. Ungrateful bastard,' Mitsui snucks a venomous glare and a rictus of fictitious pain.

'No. You're not.'

'I know how to fuck anyone good; you, most of all.' A quarrying facial contortion crosses Mitsui's face. Sore spot's been hit.

*Sigh* Save it for next week; I want a vacay,'

'You're not missing a session with me, got that? ' Mitsui says in an awful, chafing growl.

'I am. I'm peeled down by your...'

'By my pleasurable, irresistible, adept techniques? How can you refuse me? Or even stand a night without me?' Mitsui splits an evil smile adorned with stroke of wincing, almost lethal, sarcasm.

'I'll try it, then. Give me a week.'

Silence. Mitsui's goading expression challenges Rukawa's self imposed listlessness.
'I get it; I'm the only one who can read you, Kaede. Go on then, fix that execrable impairment of yours...' Mitsui whacks a snide grin of insinuating malice.

'What impairment?'

'What else? Your phallic problem; I see you can't manage proper erection on me.' Mitsui says licentiously after a snobbish hmpph.

'I always have, you know that.'

'Keep telling yourself that. I can damn well tell a limp from a boner, Kaede; I'm a junkie.' Another of Mitsui's malevolent, rankling smile. This alerts Rukawa's vulnerable irritation.

*Sigh* Have a fuck-free mind for a minute at least, sempai.'
'Is celibacy that in these days, Kaede? Not me; I'll always be your next-door hare...ever,' Mitsui releases a forced, diabolic guffaw.

'Maybe. But try to hang on by yourself, sempai. I'm sure you wouldn't lose the touch.'

'Are you telling me to fuck myself while you're away, Kaede? You think I'll masturbate as a final resort? Drop dead, skink; I'm not the cheap chap you think I am.' Mitsui roars with a ravishing, devilish glance. He's festered enough to pummel the other down alright.

*Sigh* I'm going. But how're you gonna get on?'

'I haven't set you free. You're going to bed me non-stop still and see me every break, right? Now cut the cackle 'cos you're being the principal bitch of this goddamn life I'm running, really.' Mitsui retorts with a threatening, imminent gaze.

'Uhmm. Give the 7 days I need. I'll see after that.'

'Fuck you. What d'you need 7 days for? You doing anyone besides me, Kaede? You want a slab of beating?' Mitsui growls in an even deadlier leer.

'No. I want a layoff. That's all.'

'You're winding me up. Just tell me what you want; I'll sound you out, promise.' Mitsui gives in, his brows in sceptic furrow. A silence floats over with a tinge of doom's chill; no hint of auspices lingers in the dead air, not for Hisashi Mitsui.

Protracted stillness. Then a sudden, gentle smile sweeps the senior's face.

'Kaede, if you want me to take it slower; all you have to do is ask.'


10,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'If it's the dirty talk you don't like, I'll scrap it.'


20,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'I know! Maybe you hate being pinched. I'll stop that then.'


30,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'Uhmm...Kaede, don't you like the way I stroke you? If not, just tell me.'


40,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'You hate the colour of my undies, right?'


50,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'You don't wanna be bitten on the ears?'


60,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'You want me to take showers every night?'


70,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'You don't wanna be the sucker anymore? I'll be that then.'


80,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'I'll no longer pull you by the hair when you're going down on me.'


90,000 watt mega handsome smile.

'You're behind's swelling bad?'

'Fuck you.'

100,000 decibel super hoarse growl.

'God damn it, Kaede! What is it?! You want to be on top? What? Am I talking to a wall here?' Mitsui yells, transforming the whole corridor into a subterranean inferno.

'No. I want it no other way. But a week off is necessary. Ok, sempai?'

'I smell bullshit. Since when did you not love getting laid?' A smoke-puffing anger is astir on the senior's note.


'Oh yeah? This is fucking lame. You think I'll pine for you when you're out there screwing someone else? Don't worry, starting from now I wouldn't care half a nut whether that prick of yours goes in anybody's hole; just don't come back-'

'I told you; I have no one.'

'Yeah, right. Like Rukawa and chastity go together in perfect harmony; really, I don't think you can abstain a night sex...it's written on you, rabbit.'

'I'm not like you.'

'Fuck that, foxy.'

'I'm sorry, sempai. but-'

'No buts. Just hit the right mark; are you dumping me?'


'What?! Recall the alphabet, dumby; nay or no?'


'You're skating on thin ice. You should know better than underscoring me like a retard, arse head; you can't find anyone like me anymore, not in a million years.'

'I know. But I just need 7 days; after that, I'll see if I want you back.'

'I'm not a commodity to be discarded and retrieved just like that, and I'm no fucking harlot either. What d'you think I'm doing you for?'

'I don't know.'

'It's because I love you.'

'I don't feel it.'

'What can I do to make you feel?'

'7 days, sempai.'

'7 days, then what of us?'

'I'll see.'

'Why're you doing this to me?'


'Jealous? Fuck, with whom?'


'Oh, Shit. Not that apish numskull. You can't be juxtaposed in any level with Tesuo and certainly not I being the judge here. Rukawa, that's childish envy. I don't like that.'

'Do you like him?'

'Fuck, what d'you think of me? He's just good for his motorcycle ride; he doesn't even wear helmets. You think I'd go for zany riffraff like him over you?


'No guesswork for that, Rukawa; You're a thousand times more desirable.'
'I am?'

'Sure as cause precedes effect. Will you come now?'

'I don't know.'
'You're just snugging me under the fog with that unsure frame of mind of yours. Think straight. Can you endure 7 days without me?'


'This is stretching forever; Kaede, I'm waiting. Can you do it without Hisashi Mitsui? 7 days? you're being mean to yourself if you ask me. It stands to reason; abstinence isn't your thing.'

'Ok...I can't.'

'Good. *Sigh*. You just gave me a mean day, you know tha?’

'I'm sorry, sempai.'

'Don't mention it. I'll see you later.




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