Wednesday, June 14, 2006


A/N: I wrote this 3 years ago. It’s so fucking corny. Nothing personal. I just imagined, out of nothing, what a heartbroken man would say, or feel. It’s really corny. And I wonder why I ever thought of writing it.


When I look at you all I can see is a picture that moves not an inch. You are like a wood piece behind a vitreous barrier; so near and yet so intractable, so untouchable.

It has been four long months since I led you up to my rooftop, the only place where I’m sure sickness wouldn’t reach me. I asked you to watch the sun go down with me. You concurred. The time was 5:43. I had to bookmark it for certain purposes, hoping that it would give meaning to that time, someday, somehow. I was uncharacteristically silent; but yours spoiled the potential air of good timing. You didn’t like this. The very expression on your face told much of how our times together were numbered and running out before my eyesight. In a few minutes, I was sure, the verdict would be delivered.

You said you were sorry that you loved somebody else. Almost in unison, the sun started sinking beneath the thin horizon, rather rapidly as though it dreaded to remain within my vision line. I could hear the fearsome collision of its spicules, or else I was out of my mind. You loved somebody else. Four words confirmed the malice of my thoughts. What was there left to say? Finally I knew what a jilted man felt.

I told you then what I liked about the sun, that when it goes down it will still appear the next morning, without fail. Ah, allusion. I wonder if you were familiar with that. What we had wasn’t like it. If we let go there and then nothing would bring us back together again. Not even if the sun stopped rising.
You said then that you still felt for me. But however you felt for me, it was sure less than what you felt for the other. And it was goodbye all of a sudden. You also lost the game.

For the last time, I asked you to watch the sun go down with me. That afternoon no one mourned, besides you and me.


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