Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dialogues in the Air

‘You’re the one who sent me that message on a tissue paper, aren’t you?’
‘Huh? That was someone else. I don’t know what you’re talking about.’
‘You don’t seem to know a lot.’
‘That’s not a very nice thing to say.’
‘I didn’t mean it to be nice. So, is that the way you start a chat with someone you like to get to know?’
‘Er… sometimes. But I don’t do it too often. I rarely see someone I like to know.’
‘Is that so?’
‘You’re not so much of a professional liar.’
‘I’m not? Why do you say that? Others think I’ve been exceptional so far.’
‘Not when there are some who have equally exceptional power of observation.’
‘What do you mean by that?’
‘You have deplorable uptake. I mean, I can see you’re not very smart.’
‘Oh. I know. Don’t you think you’re taking things in a bit of a stretch? You shouldn’t say things like that to people you don’t know.’
‘So what am I supposed to say to them, then?’
‘Be nice, cordial, things like that, you know.’
‘No, I don’t know.’
‘You don’t know how to be socially polite?’
‘I don’t know things social. And this is as nice as I could get.’
‘That’s great. That just hits chord with me.’
‘I don’t welcome sarcasm, not others’.’
‘You run low of appreciation.’
‘We just think differently, that’s simply it.’
‘Hey, would you like to go catch a movie sometimes?’
‘I always adore watching movies.’
‘Same here… so we agree on one thing.’
‘Yeah. Not much of an achievement, is it?’
‘Not really. Anything else that interests you?’
‘I’d adore a basketball game. Do you play?’
‘Natch. I’m in a league---‘
‘Great. Do you love Kevin Garnett?’
‘Excuse me?’
‘I’m asking if you love Kevin Garnett. Jesus, open your ears.’
‘I idolize. I don’t love him per se. Why?’
‘I worship him. Anyway, I bet a thousand you idolize Dwayne Wade too.’
‘Good guess. I’d like to see Miami as this year’s championship team.’
‘That’s not going to happen.’
‘Why’s that?’
‘Because they’re a bunch of overrated damp squibs. Besides, ever heard of the team San Antonio Spurs?’
‘They’re taking it by storm alright. Hey, the T’wolves aren’t as good.’
‘I know. That’s what losers say when I tell them Kevin Garnett is the best thing that happened to the goddamn league.’
‘That’s because he’s not and he’s never going to be.’
‘Oh yeah? Watch him.’
‘I’ve been watching him for ages and he can’t score anywhere near conference finals. He’s a wrecked mess.’
‘He’s not and he can get that fucking championship. It’s his team that can’t. Any retard can see he’s got a perfect package right under his belt.’
‘That’s a way to put it.’
‘For the record, that’s the only way to put it.’
‘He’s overpaid.’
‘Keep that to yourself. He deserves every penny he’s getting, plus the homage. Incontestably, if you dare.’
‘Of course not---‘
‘Okay, next topic please. Would you be playing Grand Theft Auto?’
‘Who doesn’t? That game’s a devil.’
‘I don’t. The graphics choke me.’
‘You don’t play the greatest video game in the world? Hell, which planet are you from?’
‘The right question would be ‘Which galaxy?"
‘I can trash you in THPS, give me 30 seconds.’
‘What bravado! You haven’t seen me take on Bucky Lasek.’
‘Just haimish. And hey, you haven’t seen me yourself. I can play whoever I want and I’m going to mop you bloody all over.’
‘What’s your average per run?’
‘Depends on the stage. Do you know Skater Island? The competition? I can get 300 thousand in that per minute.’
‘Whoa. Are you kidding me?’
‘Do I look like it or should I try harder? I’m so sorry but exaggeration in such a grandiose scale isn’t my thing.’
‘Mine neither. But don’t split with the wrong idea that I can’t top that.’
‘Sure, taste the meaning of a true master. I’ll see you in front of the screen soon.’
‘Go ahead, make my week.’
‘When does this shitty party end?’
‘Not the remotest idea. It may go on till morning. You know stuff like this end indefinitely. They may want to keep us until breakfast, who the fuck knows?’
‘This is boring beyond all reasons.’
‘What? Talking to me?’
‘No, no. I mean this whole thing. I’ve been frying my ass on my seat since afternoon and no one’s been giving me more than a wink, at least until I approached you.’
‘Oh. Would you like to drink?’
‘To what do I owe the offer?’
‘Nothing. I just think it would be fun to see you tipsy.’
‘You’re so morbid.’
‘Thank you.’
‘I’ve had one too many; snarfed it pretty badly, in actuality. My parents would kill me if I come back looking like a drunk hobo. Speaking of which, they’re going to murder me.’
‘Okay. I hate to miss that sight, though.’
‘It’s nearly time I hit the road.’
‘Goodbye, then.’
‘Any chance of…?’
‘My number? Nah. I’ll give it to you the next time.’
‘Fat chance there’ll be next time.’
‘I’ll just call to know your name.’
‘I wouldn’t want to give it.’
‘Because every clichéd acquaintance starts with asking each other’s name. And number, let me add.’
‘I see your good point. So we’re going to rely on the far-flung probability of meeting next time around?’
‘That’s just about the size of it.’
‘Not bad.’
‘Yeah, not bad. I had a priceless time, thank you.’
‘So it’s goodbye?’
‘Unless you might wanna stick around later, in which case goodbye is for later.’
‘No. I’m expected home this minute.’
‘Well, I’m glad to get rid of the fast escalating romantic--whatever tension.'
‘Oh, I nearly fell for it.’
‘Obviously; I can count on that, I surmise. So long.’

A decorous silence follows the symbolic moment of parting. She sits alone like before, hoping to heaven that memories of the amateurish persiflage won’t intrude her later, or any other time to come.


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