Saturday, September 16, 2006

Fallen Hair


Maybe I was too tired to notice your silent exodus,
Or maybe it was you that was weary and old and brittle and succumbing.
The girl who owned you, did she teach you how to fight extinction?
The ground you stood on, did it ever do more than to channel you up in the air,
and hold you idly?
Otherwise, would you be blocking the sink, filtering dead skin,
blackening passages on whim?
I don't think so.
Were you a cube of ice, I would've loved to watch you melt
Between my fingers.
Were you a deadly fire, I would risk my life to extinguish your core.
But you are several times more, and what could a girl do
But to powerlessly wish that you don't make her pretty?
Hence we shall continue our own battle to nourish you.


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